November, December and well into February, gulls stand guard watching, flying, eating and chasing away intruders from their long sought after salmon meal.
Gulls sit in deeper rivers waters to find dead salmon.
At the boat launch ramp, a single gull returns each day to claim the rock at water’s edge as his stake.
December mist rolls over the river in ways I have not seen anywhere else. I am standing on Fair Oaks Bridge looking east to the sunrise. The mist begins around the bend and rolls across the river. On this day, it was the entire cloud!
This morning the duck stands guard on the rock at the end of boat launch ramp. A very popular rest stop!
This morning was another busy day at Fair Oaks Bridge. A dozen geese flew in honking and circling. One landed on the concrete pillar. Didn’t stay long. Did not like being watched. The relentless quacking duck was there too. I could not see her. A chorus of birds sang in the trees behind the boat launch ramp for at least 10 minutes.
Suddenly, it got very quiet. I saw about 50 birds fly up and away out of the trees and over the bridge.
Out for a bicycle ride along the American River, I spotted fields of pure white wildflowers and small patches of golden poppies. The colors of Spring arrived in abundance to paint the landscape.
May the sun bring you new energy each day.
May the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain gently wash away your worries.
May the breeze blow new strength into your body.
May Spring flowers of gold shine within your heart.
May you walk gently through the world and feel its beauty within you every day of your life.
Butterflies pollinate. Golden poppies are popping up everywhere. Birds sing. A lizard plays hide and seek on a tree.In spring at the time of rebirth and busy activity, I feel blessed by the beauty of the outdoor world in spring and all seasons of the year.
May the natural world always be your path to better health, wellness and to the expansion of your heart and mind.
Look closely for the brown goat in the back climbing the tree to find more to munch.
A cool and beautiful walk along the river this morning.
Goats returned to eat the weeds along the American River Parkway. I first saw them on a Friday afternoon behind a series of fences alongside the bike trail nearby Bannister Park that leads to the American River. Hundreds of them crowded in a very small space! They stay for a week and move on.
Second week they were eating weeds on top of Fair Oaks Bluff. Goats pictured in the photo are eating weeds alongside Bridge Street. Today the owner was loading all of them back into their trailer on their way to the next meal.
Fair Oaks Bridge is covered with dark berries falling from trees growing on each side of the bridge. The bridge looks like it has freckles. My walk ended with roosters calling good morning, searching for friendship or food – not sure which?
The video below shows the goats roaming the area nearby Bannister Park. Watch for the dog directing the goats and one goat stopping to watch me.