Sharing Stories of Place

Each place hold its own identity, history and character. By engaging all our senses to observe, listen, and be fully present in the moment, we create deeper connections to our history, culture, nature and place.
These connections lead to creating a shared vision including stories of caring and concern for our neighborhoods, open spaces, parks and other special places today; and continued stewardship into the future.
* How do you describe your sense of place?
* What are the unique stories of your people, places, wildlife and landscapes?
* What connects your past to the present and serves as a guide to envision care and concern for the future?
* How do you engage your visitors, neighborhoods, schools, and families to listen, care, learn and create a shared vision for the future?
Connect with Janice as your guide to sharing stories in print and online or as interpretive or education programs and materials.
She will be your guide to engage children, youth and adults as they develop their own meaningful connections to place. Create opportunities for them to enjoy, as they discover the mysteries, miracles and healing power of places in outdoor world. At the same time, they will begin to understand the need for long term care and stewardship of our communities and our world.
Working with Janice
Janice immediately impressed me with her ability to articulate our vision through curriculum development and delivery. Her work with our LEAF Steward Program was stellar. We provided our ideas and she ran with hem. Jody McKay, Former Chief Financial Officer, Sacramento Tree Foundation
I’ve known Janice Kelley for 15 years. We first met as docents at Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park in Sacramento. We’ve kept in touch ever since. We became friends because we had similar values. We both like working with people and teaching about history. She enjoys being with children and adults and helping them in finding the joy of learning. Her Nature Detectives program brings children into the outdoors to expand their horizons. Janice is also a very fine photographer.
Her book featuring stories and photography at the Fair Oaks Bridge and American River is a visual delight. I hope you have the opportunity to work with Janice. She is so talented in so many fields. Judy Prey. California State Park Docent