Mornings on Fair Oaks Bridge – Introduction
This segment describes what you will hear in the series of 12 podcasts. Each one describes Janice’s early morning experiences and settings, beginning in September 2016 continuing through February 2018.
Janice Kelley
Sharing Stories Focused on Sense of Place, People and Purpose
This segment describes what you will hear in the series of 12 podcasts. Each one describes Janice’s early morning experiences and settings, beginning in September 2016 continuing through February 2018.
As the season changes to fall, fishermen arrive at the American River at dawn to catch salmon as they swim and search for the best place to spawn. Always a good time to visit the river’s resident ducks. They are always hungry.
A great day to dip into the river upside down to search for food. Do ducks get angry when visitors do not bring them food? At sunset, what do ducks do to prepare their children for the night?
Gulls gather on the river in groups of a hundred or more to wait for salmon to swim upstream, spawn and die. Turkey vultures and salmon both guard their catch.
The American River is quiet once again after one of the wettest winters in 20 years. What wildlife will return to the river this spring?
Lots of activities at the river: cyclists, walkers, new goslings, ducks fly in and search for breakfast. Canada Geese bob for breakfast.
A beautiful and quiet time of year anticipating the soon arrival of salmon. Mallards walk the boat ramp continuing to search for food. Water reflections mirror the Fair Oaks Bluff.
Discusses the curious qualities of Canada Geese and ducks as they relate to each other through their unique style of communication. And the idea that their lives are far less hurried than that of the people who watch them.
Watching a flock of hungry seagulls gathered at an island at the American River during the fall salmon run.
What is it like to be a fisherman in the cold early morning light waiting to catch a salmon? What is their favorite part of the morning?