Organization Communications

Janice’s expertise includes web-based visitor information, marketing communications, special reports, feature stories  photography and video. Scroll down to download a document or link to a related page by clicking on the blue caption below photos.  Contact Janice

Web-based Visitor Information

West Hills Farm of theJohn Muir Land Trust.One story in a  series of newsletter features and website pages.
San Francisco, City guide, Rails to Trails Conservancy
San Francisco City Guide is one in a series of city destinations featured  as part of “Trail Link” published by Rails to Trails Conservancy.
Research & write more than 100 narratives to describe California Historical Landmarks. Link to D’Agostini Winery




 Research Reports & Feature Stories

Special Report on Impact of the Arts on California for CA Arts Council
Johnny Cash Trail”  featured in American Trails Magazine


Associate Editor, 5 years, Published by League of CA Cities
Course Catalog Editor  Renaissance Society.  Presents more than 100 free classes, lectures and special programs each semester to members 50 years and older, in connection with  California State University, Sacramento.


Videos highlight services, citizen science project and sense of place. Link to video by selecting blue caption below photos
Visitor & Education Services  – Created for BIG day of Giving
Lost Ladybug Citizen Science Project
Seasons on the American River